Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Daddy Saves The Day!

Jared lost his second tooth last night right before bed.  Being the good mommy that I am, I went to my own bed and passed out as Daddy skyped with his brother.  I got up this morning and went to work, completely forgetting about the tooth under Jared's pillow.  Not long after getting to work I had that sudden moment of PANIC!!! and called home to see how bad the emotional damage was and how much therapy Jared would need as an adult. 

Guess who answered the phone..."Mommy!!  Guess what!!  My tooth was still under my pillow this morning."


"But Daddy said to look in his wallet and guess what!!  The tooth fairy left $3 in Daddy's wallet for me!!"

I began to breathe again. 

"Really?  Why do you think she did that?" I asked.

"Daddy says it's because there were too many toys on the floor and she couldn't get to my bed."

I am truly amazed that Yakko (my nickname for him - if you've ever talked to him you'll know why) was able to think so fast on his feet.  Good thing there wasn't a $100 bill in that wallet.

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