Friday, July 1, 2011

Jared Says...

OK, I lied.  Jared hasn't been talking much today...he lost his first tooth last night, and has been completely obsessed with some parachuting soldier toy he bought with TF money.

My nineteen month old Jordan, however, has been in rare form.  I gave him a container of berries to snack on in the family room while I put away groceries.  He was happily stuffing his cheeks like a squirrel when he saw me walk by with a package of cookies.  He slammed the top shut on the quart of berries, yelled "BYE BYE!" and ran interception on the cookies.  He ain't gonna grow up to be a nutritionist, folks.

He does the same thing when Mommy or Daddy are paying more attention to the computer than they are to him.  You haven't lived until you've had a laptop slammed shut on your fingers mid-sentence.

The boss is getting restless.  Gotta go while I'm still able to type.

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