Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Has Their Own Physician? OR Funny Craigslist Scam Emails - You Decide!

My brother Matt is selling his XBox or Playstation or some other vacuous time-sucker on Craigslist.  The following is the exact emails he exchanged with a totally legitimate and trustworthy individual...I mean, I'd give all my bank information out to Dr. Jennifer Thompson...

Matt Elmore to Jennifer

It's in perfect condition, and my final asking price is $275.

Thanks Matt,
I got your mail.
The price is ok by me,I reside in Utah but needs to purchase for my Son that traveled to West Africa for his international studies,he is with his Father who was transferred to work at the United States Embassy in west Africa and i want to send him a birthday gift because his birthday is coming up soon..I would have come to pick it up myself but because of distance and nature of my work as a medical doctor at Mormon Tabernacle Choir extension in South Utah,my days are always busy.Please if you do have a paypal account,provide it to me so that I Make the payment to you Or your Full name,Full contact Address,City,State and Zip Code if you wish to receive the money through money order,i can send it straight to your residence.I will be paying you the total of $400 for both the cost price and the shipping...[Please i need the information fast so that your payment will reach you before tomorrow to enable you ship the Packages fast.
Thanks for your understanding.

Dr Jennifer...

Jennifer Thompson to Matt

Matt Elmore to Jennifer

Well let's see. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the "Mormons". So I'm well aware that being a "doctor at the Mormon Tabernacle Choir" doesn't make any sense at all. It's a singing group, not a place. Also, their headquarters aren't in South Utah. I'm well aware of what you're doing here. This is a scam, and you are a lazy, piece of trash. If I'm wrong, then please, email me you're husband's full name and exactly which American embassy in Africa his works for, and as an American citizen, I will be able to get in contact with him to ensure his actual existence. But as I'm already sure, you are just scum trying to steal from hard working people. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time since you probably won't be able to understand this. From the looks of the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall incoherent nature of the email you sent, you can't really speak English anyway. If you have any dignity left after this, then please, I eagerly await your response.
Please Go Die
I for one am completely shocked that the good doctor hasn't returned his email.

1 comment:

  1. What's also amazing is that she was willing to throw in an extra $125 for shipping. Man, those Normans are generous.
